Wow – what an amazing weekend of memories for our family! We were in Martinsville, VA for Kyle’s races and he ended up winning both the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series race AND the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race for the first time in his career. I am so proud of him, the Kyle Busch Motorsports guys and his No. 18 M&Ms crew! Going from no clocks (that’s the trophy they give out) in 30 attempts to two in a weekend is incredible. I guess I don’t have an excuse to not be on time anymore!

Martinsville is one of the few races we can actually drive to from Charlotte, so after yesterday’s race – and the fun Victory Lane festivities – we loaded up the car with Brexton and Lucy (our puppy) to head home. Well, if you’ve ever been to a NASCAR race before (or any sporting event for that matter), you know there is A TON of traffic afterwards, so we decided to have a little fun while inching forward on the road. We happen to be right next to a car with a fan wearing No. 18 gear, so Kyle and I decided to surprise her by rolling down the window to say hi. I am so happy I decided to record this on my phone because the fan’s reaction was absolutely priceless! She was so excited to see Kyle and was even able to get her M&Ms hat signed by him. Witnessing her happiness was really the cherry on top of a great weekend for us.

It’s so awesome to see this video get as much attention as it has over the past 24 hours because it really shows how great our sport is! The fans love their drivers and the drivers are so appreciate of their fans. We love opportunities like this to be able to say thank you to them!

I’m so happy that this was caught on video because now everyone gets to see the side of Kyle I see all the time. The funny, generous and outgoing person he really is!

If you haven’t seen the video yet, check it out the full clip below:

Watch this!! I love how she ignores him a first Kyle fans are the BEST and I’m so happy Kyle got to do this for her!

Posted by Samantha Busch on Sunday, April 3, 2016