As you all know, we travel a lot! There are so many times that I find myself throwing groceries away when we get back from a race weekend because they’ve gone bad before we had a chance to use them – especially anything fresh.

It drives me crazy to do this, so then I just buy less fresh food and more canned and frozen food. But for me and my family, if it’s not fresh then it just doesn’t taste the same (or have the same nutrients!).  I like to cook meals that are healthy for my family but recipes that also don’t have me in the kitchen all day long!

Recently, I’ve seen so many people talking about fresh meal ingredients delivered right to your door so I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and give them a try!  I did my research and finally decided to try HelloFresh, and I have to say, I am loving it!

I chose three meals I knew my boys would love (chicken, meatloaf and pork).  After you choose the meals you want, all the ingredients come neatly packaged (and super fresh) right to your door! I love the convenience of not having to go to the grocery store, so I can use that little bit of extra time doing other things around the house or just spending time with my family!

And the best part for me is that the meals aren’t hard to make at all! Each meal comes with an easy to follow recipe card that makes the meal prep flow and I made the meals so fast! Oh, and the boys loved them – a win for me and a win for them!

I loved that we were all eating fresh and healthy and that I didn’t have to spend time in the grocery store stressing about what to buy!  With our busy lifestyle, sometimes the process of finding recipes, grocery shopping and meal prepping for healthy meals every day just doesn’t fit into the crazy schedule that we live by! HelloFresh has been a solution to those problems for our family and I recommend trying it out for your family as well!

If you want to give it a try use my code “Busch30” for $30 off your first week!

Here is my sous chef and me making our first dinner, Sizzling Southwestern Chicken.  It’s seriously so easy and DELICIOUS!