As many of you already know, I love fitness. It just makes me feel good! It’s always been important for me to share my workout tips with all of you with the hopes that I’m inspiring others to make fitness a priority so they can feel good, too. My friend, Trish, gets it. I don’t know about you, but I love getting in a great workout with a friend, so we try to workout together whenever we can. One day, Trish and I were talking about how it’s funny that we both love to workout, but our workout styles are super different. She lives for high-intensity, cardio style training, while I love weight training – seriously, I’m not running unless I’m being chased lol! That’s how Formula Fit Girls was formed! 

Just like our workout styles, our fitness journeys are also very different and we wanted to share our own stories because Formula Fit Girls celebrates individuality – everyone’s path is different and the great thing is that there are no right or wrong ways to do it!  

Samantha Busch Formula Fit Girls

SAMANTHA: I have always loved fitness – my Dad was an amateur bodybuilder so I like to say it’s in my blood. In high school, I started working at a gym where I learned the ins and outs of training, proper technique and the various equipment. In college, I taught spin and body sculpting classes and found that I loved creating different workouts tailored to the participants in the class. Weight training has always been a consistent staple in my work routine but over the years I have gotten into many different workouts such as hot yoga, barre, and Zumba. I  always enjoy a new challenge!

After starting multiple things such as the Bundle of Joy Fund, Murph Boutique, my lifestyle blog, having a three-year-old son and continuing to travel 38 weeks out of the year with my husband for racing I found getting in a great sweat session wasn’t as easy it use to be. I feel best when I can get a workout in so I’ve been working hard to create effective and challenging workouts for days that I don’t have a lot of time. As a business owner, mother and wife it’s easy to put yourself last and skip a workout. But for your own well being and sanity,  take that time for yourself – even if it’s just 30 minutes your body needs it! 

Samantha Busch Formula Fit Girls

TRISHA: I’ve always enjoyed being active and working out. After I had my first child in January of 2015, I gave a lot of excuses as to why I wasn’t going to the gym or running on a regular basis like I had done before the baby was born. As a new, working mom, I always felt exhausted and if I had any downtime, I just wanted to relax with my husband and son.  In July of 2016, my husband and I welcomed our second child – another boy! – into our family. This was supposed to be such a happy time in my life – where I was with everything I’d always wanted: a wonderful family, a supportive husband, two beautiful, healthy children, and yet I couldn’t help but feel sad and depressed. 

I knew I needed to make a change, and that’s led me to fall back in love with fitness. I started to attend a boot camp class when my youngest was two months old, and even though it was really hard and there were times I wanted to quit, I was committed to change and that kept me going back. After a few months of consistent workouts and better nutrition, I noticed a significant improvement in my mood, and the best part – I was gaining back my confidence. It was during  this time that I became very interested and aware of what type of exercise worked best for my body and mind, and that’s what ultimately led me to set a goal of  becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) – I knew I wanted to help others, but I also wanted to learn more about health and fitness from an educational  perspective.  In January of 2018, I became a CPT through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and my passion to help others live happy and healthy only continues to grow. 

Samantha Busch Formula Fit Girls

We knew other women were in the same position as us, so we created Formula Fit Girls – a fitness program where you can create your own workout formula based on the exercises we put together to meet your specific needs. For example, if you want to focus on lower body strength training but also get a good calorie burn in, all you have to do is pair two of our lower body routines with a cardio routine for one hard workout that will get that booty toned and lifted in no time.

We know that every body is different, which means what works for one person might not work for the next. Or maybe you just prefer one style of working out over another and that’s totally fine, too, because fitness shouldn’t be a burden, it should be enjoyable. At the end of the day, we all have different goals – some of us might be training for a specific competition while the rest of us are just training to be fit for life – it’s just so important to move your body! We also encourage you to try new styles of working out, because you’ll never know if like a certain style or maybe your body just responds to certain style better if you don’t at least try it out – and we are here to help you! 

Samantha Busch Formula Fit Girls
Trish and I are couldn’t be more excited to bring you along on the Formula Fit Girls journey with fun, creative workouts, healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and much more! Make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube Channel and save our workouts on Instagram. Along with creating your own workouts, we will be posting formula ideas for you to use as well that you can take with you to the gym or do in the comfort of your own home (during nap time like us!)

No matter where you are in your personal fitness journey, Formula Fit Girls is dedicated to helping you reach your goals, while also creating an open community to form inspiring and genuine relationships. Trish and I are very passionate about this project and we hope you love it as much as we do.

As always, please comment below with more of what you want to see!