Wish you could rub a magic lamp so a genie would appear and solve your biggest skin care worries? No need…your wish is my command! These miraculous products will free you from all of your facial “curses”!

Your Wish: I want blemish-free skin!

bottle1A tea tree based face wash by Traders Joe’s is just what you need. It is packed with key ingredients such as awapuhi, orange peel and lavender, along with the tea tree oil, which is known for its antiseptic properties. This refreshing face wash will leave your skin squeaky clean without stripping it of its natural oils. When you use a face wash that is too harsh and strips your face of too much oil, then your skin will work to produce more oils which could actually make your skin oilier and lead to more breakouts.  This face wash is gentle yet very effective.

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Your Wish: I want my face to be red carpet-ready!

red1First date, prom, your wedding…whatever the big day may be, get your face ready for it with this amazing kit called the Red Carpet Facial.  I first had this facial done at the Aria Spa in Vegas and the results were amazing!  It helps to exfoliate the skin for quicker cell turnover but instantly brightens your skin, helps with fine lines and hyper-pigmentation and just gives you really beautiful skin.  After seeing the results, I asked if they had any of the products for sale and I was pleased to learn that they actually sold the same kit as what they had just used on me during the facial. It is a little bit pricey but I bought mine in 2010 and there is still some left and I use it once to twice a month. The peel does sting and you will be red for about 30 minutes afterwards but once that clears, your skin is stunning! (Please note: I would not recommend this peel for those with sensitive skin.)

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Your Wish: I want glowing skin!

whiteMy once-a-week go-to is Exfolikate by Kate Sommerville.  It sloughs off the dead skin cells that are clogging my pores and dulling my complexion. This delicious smelling scrub is packed full of good-for-your-skin ingredients such as pumpkin enzyme, papaya, honey, lactic acid, vitamins A and C and aloe vera…just to name a few! You’ll have smooth, glowing skin in a minute flat!

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Your Wish: I want to get rid of puffy dark eyes and crow’s feet without breaking the bank!

greenThis amazing and unique eye gel by Mario Badescu is only $18 and needs to be part of your morning routine.  Keep this gel in the refrigerator and lightly tap it on to your under eye area to help fight all signs of tired eyes.  It is also really hydrating without being heavy or greasy. Look bright-eyed and awake and ready to face anything that comes your way!

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