
It is so fun for new mommies who are pregnant to buy adorable clothes for their soon-to-be bundle of joy! From funny graphic tees to themed onesies, I had a field day scouring the Internet – especially for that perfect hospital outfit! Of course, the first night in the hospital we dressed Brexton in a race car onesie with a matching hat, and to go home he wore T-Rex shorts (get it T-rex, B-rex) with a funny shirt I found at Target (I believe) that said “Local Celebrity”!

Brexton had so many adorable clothes that I loved, and well, we needed to change him often because as first time parents, diapers can be a little tricky! Too quickly you start to see those adorable outfits that you loved seeing them in so much only fit for a week or two, so you pack them away for the next baby, but in all reality it’s because you can’t part with the sweet memories just yet!

Well, now thanks to Things by Ella you and your little one will get more use out of those precious outfits! The company came up with the very creative idea to make Memory Monsters out of your baby’s old clothes. Simply choose a few of your favorite outfits that you loved your baby in, and they will create a super soft and adorable “Monster” for your little one to enjoy!

Brexton loves to cuddle with his memory monster, and I love to see the joy it brings him while reminiscing about how tiny he was in those adorable outfits!

Check them out at or on Instagram (@ThingsByElla). To receive 15% off your order, enter code BREXTON15 at checkout!


