As a mom of a will child boy who has been in diapers for almost two years now, I feel that I am a bit of an expert in the diaper arena. Actually I’m totally not and am highly unqualified to tell you which brand is actually the best. But since this is my blog and I am not working for any of these brands, I will give you my totally unbiased opinion on what works for us!
First off, let’s just put it out there: The Honest Company has the cutest diapers. From guitars to skulls to bow ties and even plaid, they have so many adorable designs! Now, you would think that this wouldn’t matter, but there are a number of days you will find that your child is probably pantless (or maybe just me?!) so a cute print is great!
I found that Honest worked fine for Brexton when he was unable to crawl yet and certainly not running. They were also fine at this point because he was still waking up all the time (side note: sleep training, my booty, I read every book and Brexton wasn’t having it…) so I was changing his diaper every few hours. Once he was mobile though, I found we had a lot of leaks and they didn’t hold enough liquid to get us through the night.
So my next thing was to try Pampers, especially their movers and overnight brand. These were a for sure improvement from the Honest but I did still notice some leaks. Just to be thorough, we decided to try two last two brands, Luvs and Huggies, to see if we liked with better.
Luvs, to quote Brexton, “No way”. They sag so bad the second he pees in them, it’s not even funny. They also leaked for us, which I was shocked because so many people recommended them.
Huggies, I’ll be honest, these are our go-to. I feel like we have a lot less leaks and blowouts, they move well with Brexton, and they even hold the mass amount of pee that Brexton has overnight. We use Little Movers, Snug & Dry and the OverNites. I can’t complain about these at all and really like their sensitive wipes too!
Water diapers, I mean since we are talking about diapers, let’s just address these for a minute. Yes, they do not blow up like normal diapers do when you put them in water. But they don’t exactly work the way you think they would. Because poop and water, no matter what, don’t really work. We first realized this when we put Brexton in the pool and after a few minutes noticed a piece of corn and then a bit of green bean float on by. For first time mommies, your child will poop within the first ten minutes of being in water. Why? Because it is a pain in the butt for you. Second, swim diapers hold some of the poop but not really. Third, just keep a strainer near by because its inevitable you will be fishing poop particles out of the pool.
I hope this helps some of you first time mommies! Leave your comments below on your favorite brands and what you would like to read more of!