We are always looking for fun, creative ways to spice up Brexton’s lunch! With him starting a homeschool group, I finally got to experience the crazy of prepping for school lunch as if busy moms need one more thing on their to-do list! Kid friendly foods, sneaking in some healthy items and switching it up for him so he wasn’t bored were all high on my list. 

This 2 minute lunch is a lifesaver when packing a healthy lunch for your kiddo. It is packed with protein and healthy fats- plus the smile on the avocado toast is the perfect way to sneak in some extra veggies! 

I love getting Brexton involved in making his lunches and these Bentgo boxes are the best for keeping all the items separate- plus the cylinder compartment in the middle is the perfect size for a jumbo marshmallow! 
With the help from a hot dog chopper, an apple slicer, and the ultimate avocado cutting tool, this lunch is super easy to prepare. P.S-  you can find all these fun gadgets on my Amazon storefront

You can also watch my Meal Prep Amazon live here!