It’s getting cold and lots of us are going to have to head indoors to get our cardio in!

Therefore, I created this awesome treadmill workout to really tone your lower body and get your heart rates up to burn lots of calories.  The key to making this happen is VARIATION! Different speeds and inclines will really make this workout effective. This is very challenging so please stop if you feel dizzy and drink lots of water and most importantly, have fun!




0 – 5 minutes 3.5 3
5-6 4.0 4
6-8 5.5-6 4
8-10 4.0 7
10-11 5.5 7
11-13 4.0 10
13-14 4.0 4
14-17 5.0 4
17-20 4.0 10
20-21 4.0 4
21-22 5.5-6.0 4
22-24 5.0 5
24-25 5.5-6.0 4
25-28 4.0 10
28-30 5.5 7
30-35 3.5 3