Baby led weaning is something I think every family should explore. We did something very similar when Brexton was little! We first started feeding Lennix solids around 4 months – make sure your baby is showing all the signs of readiness or you get the ok from your doctor! We started with some baby cereal and some fruit and vegetable purées. Lennix loves the serenity kids meat pouches still and also their root vegetable ones as well! We also did a homemade purée that was her favorite of banana, avocado, and formula blended until smoothie consistency! From that, a few weeks later we started with a few blueberries smushed into a disk, cucumber spears, cooked, steamed broccoli, and whole strawberries with the leaves cut off.

Remember the goal for baby led weaning is to allow your baby to tell you about their body signs – what they like and don’t like, when they are full, and how to explore food and learn the skills necessary to self feed! It is a bit messy and uncoordinated in the beginning, but eventually it will get easier! Lennix is a great eater – she loves sausage and blueberries currently, along with her favorite serenity pouches and puffs!