When I posted the picture of my foam roller on Twitter I got a huge response so I thought I would do a short write up on it for all of you! The foam roller comes in two forms, smooth or with ridges, and comes in varying degrees of firmness.  I bought my foam roller (pictured) at Dick’s Sporting Goods for about $40.   When I went to the store there was only 2 options to choose from but when I looked online at www.dickssportinggoods.com there were many varieties ranging in price from $14.99 – $39.99.  Additionally, many other sporting/fitness websites carry them.

Using the foam roller is kind of like getting a sports massage anywhere and for a lot less! By using your own body weight you can roll your back, quads, hamstring, calves, IT bands, etc. and begin to loosen any knots you may have.  Knots, as we all know, can cause soreness and inflexibility.  By using the foam roller you can break up these knots, stretch your muscles and increase blood flow and circulation.

Before working out I like to use the roller for 5-10 minutes and again after my workout is complete.  Additionally, after a very hard workout I like to use the roller again before bed.  You will wake up feeling a million times better!