Tips to Eating Healthy: It’s all about Preparation
Eating healthy starts at the grocery store. I am sure many of you are busy moms and dads so it is best to set one night a week to grocery shop and prep. If you can get a babysitter, do it together and think of it as a mini date. If not bring the troops and have the...
Christmas Eve Dinner Recipe
Christmas with my Family! Kyle and I went home to Northwest IN with the pups to spend Christmas with my side of the family (we switch off my side and his side every years with Christmas and Thanksgiving). We had such a great time in the unseasonably warm weather. I...
Thanksgiving Recipes
This Thanksgiving we had dinner here at our house. My immediate family came in from Chicago, Kyle’s family came over and also a few friends came. I wanted to have a traditional dinner with a few surprises! I wanted to share them with you because they were a huge...
Pumpkin Pudding
I absolutely love fall! It signifies the holidays are coming up which means good food! Of course one of the first things that people think about are pumpkins! These things aren’t just good for carving but make really healthy and nutritious meals! A pumpkin cooked...
Fuze Healthy Smoothies
Many of you know of my love for Fuze juice drinks. They are not only delicious, but also provide vitamins and nutrients and their Slenderize line offers great juice drink tastes with low calories! I was looking for new and interesting ways to incorporate Fuze juice...

Kyle’s Favorite Dish
On twitter a posted Kyle’s favorite dish I make which is a Tex Mex pasta salad. There was a huge response from you guys about it so I wanted to share this delicious and easy recipe. It is kind of a funny story how this dish came about. Kyle and I were in Daytona in...

I Love Cereal !!
I love cereal, always have, always will regardless of all the carbs people complain that it has. Its hands down one of my favorite foods! However, there are some cereals that are awful for you and should be avoided at all costs and some, like the ones I eat that have...
Better’n Peanut Butter
A lot of people always ask about a healthy snack or dessert to satisfy a sweet tooth. I for one am a huge fan of sweets and desserts, especially anything with chocolate and peanut butter, but I try to refrain from eating them often because of their high fat and sugar...