Summer is my favorite time of year! Warm weather, pool parties, BBQ’s and more! But….. with all of that comes those parties where you have to bring a side dish and I don’t know about you, but I am ALWAYS scrambling last minute on what to bring and I sure as heck don’t want to spend the whole day in the kitchen. Today I’m sharing my favorite side dish – that is both healthy and refreshing!  

 What I love about this dip is it takes literally a minute to make and it’s not terrible for you. I use fat free cool whip as the base and then mix in Elli Quark Lemon flavored… well I want to call it yogurt but it’s actually cheese! Don’t get freaked out it has the same consistency as yogurt but it’s so healthy! It’s actually German quark made with no artificial flavors or added sugars. It has less sugar and carbs and more protein then most Greek yogurt and doesn’t have that sour cream taste at all. A simple squeeze of half a lemon and some lemon zest and this dip is complete!

What you’ll need 

Strawberries – washed and cut  

Pineapple – precut  

Kabob sticks 

2 Eli-Quark lemon ‘yogurt’ 

1 tub Lite Cool Whip 

1 lemon 



After your strawberries have been cut, take your kabob stick and slide the strawberries and pineapples on – alternating one by one. Super simple. I always end with a strawberry, so the little ones don’t poke themselves! Fill as many kabob sticks as you please, then move onto the dip! Dump one tub of Lite Cool Whip into a bowl, then add two Lemon Eli-Quark cheese containers. Mix well then add a squeeze of lemon and lemon zest and you’re finished!  


Optional, but delicious drink paring: FLOW Alkaline Water. I am obsessed with this stuff! So many health benefits and flavors. My favorite flavor is lemon-ginger, which just so happens to pair perfectly with this recipe. Staying hydrated is so important during the summer. These waters are packed with electrolytes and are 100% recycable.  


Such an easy recipe that will impress your friends and trick them into thinking you didn’t forget 😉 Plus, it’s healthy and had no added sugar! Win, win. Send me photos of you making this recipe for your next summer party!