I absolutely love red velvet cake! It was our wedding cake, and our 10-year vow renewal cake. Unfortunately, Red Velvet cake isn’t something you can eat every day since it has zero nutrition.
However, I have found an amazing smoothie that is packed with fruits and vegetables that tastes just like Red Velvet cake! I love how I can get the sweetness and the decadent taste of cake, without all of the artificial ingredients and empty calories.
The base of this smoothie is beets. Now, don’t let the beets scare you, you won’t even taste them! They have so many nutritious benefits like helping increase blood flow and oxygen throughout your body. Not to mention, they will also give your smoothie that rich red color, making it look like the delicious cake! Rounding out the rest of this smoothie is spinach, strawberries and dates, giving you a ton of fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants.
To up the nutrition in this smoothie, I added Ancient Nutrition Chocolate Collagen Protein Powder. It has 9 grams of protein per scoop and adds a great chocolate-ly flavor to this smoothie to make sure you get a true cake flavor!

1 cup fresh spinach
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup strawberries, halved
4 dates, pitted and roughly chopped
1/4 cup raw or cooked beets, diced
1 scoop of Chocolate Protein Powder, I use Ancient Nutrition Chocolate Collagen Protein Powder
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Coconut Whipped Cream
Cocoa Nibs