I will admit I am not a huge fan of running.  It is probably one of my least favorite forms of cardio, but I make myself do it because I know how good it is for you.   If I am going to run, I need to change my workout session so that I do not get bored. With all of this is mind, I started doing sprint pyramids on the treadmill. Now I am not going to lie, this is a HARD workout but it is great because with this model you can adjust the incline and speed depending on your fitness level.

The first thing I do is a 5 minute warm-up.  I start with the incline at 1 (1-10 scale) and walk at a 3.3 and increase the speed by .1 each consecutive minute.  From there the pyramid goes like this:

  • 30 sec sprint, 30 second walk
  • 1 minute sprint, 1 minute walk
  • 2 minute sprint, 2 minute walk
  • 3 minute sprint, 3 minute walk
  • 4 minute sprint, 4 minute walk
  • 3 minute sprint, 3 minute walk
  • 2 minute sprint, 2 minute walk
  • 1 minute sprint, 1 minute walk
  • 30 second sprint, 30 second walk

Then cool down for 5 to 10 minutes starting at a 3.8 with a 3 incline and eventually ending at a 1 incline at 3.3.

During the sprints I run at about a 5.8 -6 with the incline at a 1, but each treadmill is different so adjust accordingly.  When I walk I keep it at a 4.0 and try to keep the incline anywhere between a 2-5. This is a great model that gives you a lot of flexibility with the incline and speed so that you can get the maximum results you want.  Furthermore, when you sprint versus walking on an incline you use different muscles in your legs and glutes so this workout ensures that all of your muscles are getting a hard workout.

Please consult your doctor before beginning a new workout program and make sure to stop if you feel dizzy or faint and drink plenty of water.  Enjoy!