Get up off of that floor and join me in a standing abs series sure to tone your core and get that heart rate up! If you feel like you have reached a plateau doing your normal crunches or just want a change, incorporate this series into your next workout.  Aim for one full minute for each move.  Build up to this and always remember, you can start with no weight and stop if you start to lose form.  It is better to do 30 seconds with proper form then a full minute without.  There is a brief description below but if you scroll all the way down you can see the full video demonstrating each move.   So let’s get started:

Woodchoppers: Start with feet hip width apart, core engaged and shoulders down.  Lower into a squat noting to push your hips back as the weight starts low to one side.  In one powerful motion, rise from your squat and with control bring the weight diagonally across your body.  I like to keep my arms straight and I also pivot my toe because it feels more natural and is less stress on my knees but there are variations to this.

Standing Abs Series


Weighted Side Bends: This move really targets those obliques! Start by grabbing a heavy pair of weights,  stand with feet shoulder distance apart and have a slight bend in your knees.  Really focus on engaging your core.  Slowly, with control, bend to one side and then slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Standing Abs Series


Knee Lift with Weighted Twist: Begin with feet apart and both arms extended over your right shoulder with a light weight in your hands.  Raise your left leg across your body while at the same time pulling your arms diagonally across your body.  This will create a twist and will really get your heart rate going! Repeat one minute or as many reps as you would like on one side and then switch to the next.

Standing Abs Series


Weighted Core Rotation: Stand with feet hip distance apart weight in hand.  Rotate your torso slowly and with control each way.  To take this exercise up a notch, simply move your hands farther away from your body (note: I would use a lighter weight if you are taking your hands far from your body).

Standing Abs Series
I really hope you guys enjoy this standing abs routine.  As always, consult a doctor before beginning any training program and if you are worried about your form or have pre-existing injuries, please consult a live personal trainer that can help you face-to-face.  Thanks and have a great workout!