A New You Video Series

A New You Video Series

In this first tutorial, we'll look at 3 exercises that will help you start to tone up those arms!   *Samantha Busch strongly recommends that you consult your doctor and get medical approval before beginning any fitness and / or exercise program.

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A reply to some of your questions!

A reply to some of your questions!

I would first like to start by saying a huge thank you to all of you that sent in your questions.  I am really excited that we are forming this community for #ANewYou.  I have tried to answer all of your questions to the best of my knowledge and I really hope it...

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A New You begins Today!

A New You begins Today!

Did you overeat too much during the holidays? Get your self back on track with this quick but difficult workout that only requires a pair of dumbbells (3, 5 or 8 pounds for the ladies) and a mat! Its called the filthy fifty.  You take easy, common exercises and do...

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A New You begins Today!

Quick Tips to a Healthier YOU!

1)   Eat breakfast within thirty minutes of waking up.  I am not sure if this is an old wives tale but I have done it for years so I am sticking to it!  The reasoning behind it is your metabolism is slow when you first get up so eating something will rev it up and get...

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It’s 2012 Are You Ready For a New You?

It’s 2012 Are You Ready For a New You?

I asked many of you on Facebook what your New Year’s Resolution was and the vast majority of you said to loose weight and get in shape.  This is typically most people’s resolution that they make year after year with no avail.  Well this year is different! I am here to...

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