A New You begins Today!
Did you overeat too much during the holidays? Get your self back on track with this quick but difficult workout that only requires a pair of dumbbells (3, 5 or 8 pounds for the ladies) and a mat! Its called the filthy fifty. You take easy, common exercises and do...

Quick Tips to a Healthier YOU!
1) Eat breakfast within thirty minutes of waking up. I am not sure if this is an old wives tale but I have done it for years so I am sticking to it! The reasoning behind it is your metabolism is slow when you first get up so eating something will rev it up and get...

It’s 2012 Are You Ready For a New You?
I asked many of you on Facebook what your New Year’s Resolution was and the vast majority of you said to loose weight and get in shape. This is typically most people’s resolution that they make year after year with no avail. Well this year is different! I am here to...
Christmas Eve Dinner Recipe
Christmas with my Family! Kyle and I went home to Northwest IN with the pups to spend Christmas with my side of the family (we switch off my side and his side every years with Christmas and Thanksgiving). We had such a great time in the unseasonably warm weather. I...
Thanksgiving Recipes
This Thanksgiving we had dinner here at our house. My immediate family came in from Chicago, Kyle’s family came over and also a few friends came. I wanted to have a traditional dinner with a few surprises! I wanted to share them with you because they were a huge...
Pumpkin Pudding
I absolutely love fall! It signifies the holidays are coming up which means good food! Of course one of the first things that people think about are pumpkins! These things aren’t just good for carving but make really healthy and nutritious meals! A pumpkin cooked...
Fuze Healthy Smoothies
Many of you know of my love for Fuze juice drinks. They are not only delicious, but also provide vitamins and nutrients and their Slenderize line offers great juice drink tastes with low calories! I was looking for new and interesting ways to incorporate Fuze juice...

I Love Cereal !!
I love cereal, always have, always will regardless of all the carbs people complain that it has. Its hands down one of my favorite foods! However, there are some cereals that are awful for you and should be avoided at all costs and some, like the ones I eat that have...
Good Workout in Limited Time
A lot of people say they want a hard workout but do not have a lot of time. I feel this way on race mornings when I have a million things to do before intros but still want to get a quick work out in. I went to a group exercise class once where we did a workout...
Hiking in Phoenix
A common question I get is what do I do around the racetracks when we are in town for the races or in the case of this blog, a tire test. Well, in Phoenix there is no question. I go hiking! I absolutely love a great outdoor work out and the hiking in Phoenix is...