I’m Bringing Sexy Back
Justin Timberlake sure made a huge splash at the Grammys performing one of my new favorite songs, “Suit and Tie”. However, my all-time favorite song by him is still “Sexy Back” and a lot of the women on the red carpet at the Grammys sure did just that! From the...

Getting Buff in 2013
Overeat and over drink all winter long? Then it’s time to whip yourself into shape for 2013! Don’t worry if you don’t have a gym membership, just shove that coffee table in your living room out of the way, buy two sets of dumbbells and let’s get to work! In order to...

For the New Year: A Few Tips and Tricks for All Areas of Your Life
Pay Attention to Portions With New Year’s Resolutions upon us, many people will set their number one goal to weight loss. A quick tip aside from diet and exercise is portion control! The easiest way to cut back on overeating is to use smaller dishware. For example,...

Avoid Weight Gain This Holiday Season
Christmas is just about here and the holidays mean getting to spend time with family and friends with lots of good food and drinks that are hard to resist! However, if you want to try to avoid weight gain this holiday season, just follow couple of my easy tips: First,...
Healthy Snacks
I turned again to twitter to ask all of you what you want to hear about, and this question was perfect because anyone who knows me, knows I have a sweet tooth! This question comes from @shane_krystal and she asks, “ What is your best advice for curbing a sweet...
Awesome Treadmill Workout
It's getting cold and lots of us are going to have to head indoors to get our cardio in! Therefore, I created this awesome treadmill workout to really tone your lower body and get your heart rates up to burn lots of calories. The key to making this happen is...

All girls want a toned, lifted and shapely booty and I am here to help! I have created a workout that will work all parts of your backside! Try to do this three times a week in conjunction with your other workouts and a healthy diet and you’ll be getting a lot of...

Healthy Dinner Options
Looking for a quick and easy dinner? I love making chicken roll-ups! There are so many great options to stuff them with but a really healthy one I did tonight was spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and fat free mozzarella cheese. All you have to do is take the chicken breast...

15-Minute Tone Those Arms Workout
To quote Jillian Michaels’ from one of her workout videos, “…your arms are the part of your body most people see naked every day”, so we better make them look HOT! As you know I am huge fan of quick workouts, with little weights that you will feel in the morning! So...

NDS Amplify Smoothies
Want to make a great smoothie that not only taste great but is good for you? Let me show you how in my latest video. Enjoy! 🙂