Barre DVD Reviews
There are so many workout DVDs on the market today, so I just wanted to share some of my favorites with you! Hope you enjoy the blog and please comment below with some of your favorite workout DVDs! Barre Skinny is my favorite for toning that tushy! It works all of...

Quick Cardio Workout
Can’t make it to the gym? No sweat! Here’s a cardio workout routine with five moves you can do in your living room with no equipment required. Depending on how much time you have, you can do one to three sets, or more if you’re feeling up to it! Cardio Workout:...

VIDEO: Booty Lifter Workout
Booty lifter 5 rounds 1. Booty burners (20 each side) 2. Step ups (15 each side) 3. Double pulse squat (15) 4. Deadlifts (15) 5. Glute bridge (25)

Video: Combo Moves for a Full Body Workout
Combo moves for a full body workout (aim for 3-5 rounds through depending on fitness level) 1. Squat with overhead press (15 reps) 2. Plank Rows (12 each side) 3. Reverse lung with a twist (12 each side) 4. Burpees (10) 5. Alternating front-side raise with a calf...

18 Looks for a Stylish Summer
Vestique + Samantha Busch Collab I recently had the pleasure of working with the awesome boutique Vestique to pick out some of my favorite summer looks for you! They have locations in North Carolina and South Carolina – but you can also shop the looks online! Vestique...

Friction Training with the Lynx Board
I'm always looking for a new workout routine so I don't get bored or plateau, and since we’re on the go a lot, I need something that I can do in the motorhome when we are at the track. While doing some research one day, I came across the Lynx Board on Instagram...

Build that Booty
Here are 10 moves that you can do in 10 minutes for a lifted and toned booty! I try to take as little rest as possible in between each move, and I also like to run through this twice (or, hey, do as many rounds as you would like!) to really feel the burn the next day!...

West Coast Workout
My morning ab routine complete! 5 exercises, one minute each, 3 rounds 1. Bicycle crunches 2. In and Outs 3. Russian twists 4. High knees 5. Plank Wrapped up with some flat tummy tea to fight excess water and toxins! And how about these Trina Turk's fun prints! I...

Shoulder Sculpt
Below are some tips for some of my favorite shoulder sculpting moves: Around the World: I love this move because it works your shoulders differently than traditional moves. Just make sure to have a slight bend in your knees and really engage your core to protect your...

Burn Out Those Biceps
Nowadays, carrying Brexton (my 22 pound adorable lil’ chunker) is workout enough for my biceps! However, I like to squeeze this quick routine in too, when I can! Depending on time or what else I am working on that day, I either do each move for one full minute,...